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Best Alternatives to Putty for SSH Clients The Putty alternatives that are listed below are a mix of FREE to download versions and some even have Paid upgrades that give you additional functionality for managing servers over SSH remotely.

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We've recently gone through some popular SSH/SCP Servers plus the best ssh client for windows, but in this article, we'll dive into some alternatives to Putty and review some of them for those who need more functionality and flexibility. ExtraPutty A fork of the original PuTTy that offers SSH-based terminal sessions and FTP, TFTP, SCP, SFTP, Ymodem, Xmodem for file transfers.PuttyTray A straightforward secure SSH client for terminal emulation that, unfortunately, hasn’t been updated since 2016.Bitvise SSH Client This free tool has an attractive interface and can be integrated into the corporate single sign-on (SSO) service to speed up connections.Xshell 7 Free for home use but otherwise a paid tool, this terminal emulator provides SSH1, SSH2, Telnet, and rLogin.mRemoteNG This great free tool offers an easy-to-use tabbed interface for multiple open terminal sessions and provides rLogin, RDP, SSH, VNC, Telnet, and raw socket connections.

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MobaXterm Available in free and paid versions, both capable of operating multiple sessions simultaneously, has SSH, SFTP, RDP, and Telnet, among other services.KiTTY A free open-source terminal emulator that is a fork of PuTTY for Windows so this is one of the closest tools you can get to the actual original version.Use its SCP, SSH, Telnet and SFTP features. Solar-PuTTY – EDITOR'S CHOICE A free tool from SolarWinds that adds a nice user interface to the functionality of the traditional PuTTY.

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Here is our list of the eight best alternatives to PuTTY for SSH clients on Windows: With these selection criteria in mind, we have tracked down some great SSH clients that are worth trialing and we made sure to get options for every major operating system. Putty.exe is one of the most well-known and widely used SSH Clients on the Market – From managing Cisco Routers to logging into your VPS or Cloud Server, Putty is the defacto standard and choice of many Network Engineers and server admins for configuring their SSH enabled devices.

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